Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Costume Change

Yes, it's that time again!
Time for me to change out of my cowgirl clothes and don my biker chick wardrobe.
But, it's that very, VERY special time of year, when it's not just changing my boots and slipping on my leather jacket.
This time, I get to go A.L.L out and pull out various bits of wardrobe that are entirely unacceptable to wear. Things that a woman my age should not be wearing.
But items that are not only accepted...but mandatory! Hehehehe-that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!

It's none other than the "granddaddy of them all"...The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally!!!
The bikes have been rolling through for days. The interstate is bumper to bumper in the west bound lane!
You see lots and lots of things...
Hmmm, what do you think? Doctor? Or lawyer?
See, there is a mandatory dress code...
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